Holy Spirit Planning Meeting
Holy Spirit Staff Meeting - Term 2, 2015
We will try this for our Wednesday 22nd April meeting. The highlighted parts are the parts we will put our time into at the meeting. Everything else is prepared beforehand.
1. to review what we want our school leaver to understand about the Holy Spirit (from decisions we made as a staff in 2014). This is a core understanding that can grow with the child. This will help children entering the school later on have a chance to access this understanding according to their stage of development.
2. Review 2014s deep assessment which will benefit ongoing teaching and learning and which has continuity throughout the school in 2015.
Any files containing student information are private to us. Everything else is public.
1. What did our assessment on The Holy Spirit from 2014 tell us?
Step 1: Have a look on the assessment data we have gathered about the Holy Spirit strand:
a) look at your own information in:
b) look at the overall information in: https://docs.google.com/a/stjoseph.school.nz/spreadsheets/d/1Bvvd8tiOr9feP6oxufM_frs96VYf4pxiK8lZg1tp0zU/edit#gid=0
To discuss: how useful is this information? Would it inform your teaching? What does this data tell us? Are there any trends we need to notice?
2Look at what we decided in 2014 was important for an "end point" for our school leaver of what we would like them to know about the Holy Spirit https://docs.google.com/a/stjoseph.school.nz/document/d/1S78jJecjaqURT33vbnuYGkpRdUX9O0zs0tGGB8b8ws0/edit
Step 1: read the theology about the Holy Spirit at the beginning of your strand book.
Come to the meeting prepared to discuss any tricky or challenging parts, or share anything you just love about it.
Step 2: Have a look at the key learning objectives for each year level: https://docs.google.com/a/stjoseph.school.nz/file/d/0B5kVPCsXjRbYdTJDMnZuOUxRQjA/edit
Step 3: Have a look at the SOLO assessment rubric - we need to keep this the same as 2014 so that the assessment is fair and we can track it over the 3 years. https://docs.google.com/a/stjoseph.school.nz/file/d/0B5kVPCsXjRbYOXVGamM5UDJYWVE/edit
Step 4: Share with your hub buddy an example of something you have done about the Holy Spirit which has helped the students to feel or understand the Holy Spirit better in an affective way (doesn't have to be in the curriculum, or at your present year level).
Step 5: Even though the basic understandings underpin the teaching and learning, we will still teach the content at our level and use that to access the basic understandings.
Step 6: Assessment for Holy Spirit Strand (same as 2014) To be completed in term 1 following Whanau groupings. https://docs.google.com/a/stjoseph.school.nz/spreadsheets/d/1qc9_C3Kp6mUzgS-QjhmgKNtbOQDsAKqZXWShEDV4668/edit#gid=2 Whanau groups after mass in week 6. Assessment completed on that day and imputted by the following Monday morning. (week 7)
Step 7: Discuss hub/class displays- displaying the Key concepts we want the children to know.