Holy Spirit Strand-Te Wairua Tapu

Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit

Our key ideas are derived from investigation of the theological focus, the strand progressions over 8 years and what we believe are the key ideas our year 8 leavers will need to know and understand by the time they leave St Joseph's. Our selection of the key ideas is guided by our understanding of the Nicene Creed, the founding belief statement of the Catholic faith dating back to the Council of Nicea in AD325; Biblical teaching; Church tradition; and the Catechism of the Catholic church which the original RE curriculum documents are based on.

Key Ideas

1.    The Holy Spirit acts in people and in the Church
2.    The Holy Spirit appears in Bible stories
3.    The Holy Spirit is the third person the Trinity
4.    We have images of the Holy Spirit but these are not the Holy Spirit

please copy and rename with your class + highlight the areas you are teaching this year and 

The Holy Spirit is about being inspired and we chose at the beginning of the year to include it at this stage of our overall year plan as we would be hoping to be getting some inspiration now about what to do with our environment.  If we can explicitly make links between our HS teaching, Enviroschools and specific learning in science next term, we will be providing a very coherent integrated worldview for the children. We can also look at it from the angle that we are now doing some more scientific investigations into the environment.  We are deepening our understanding and the Holy Spirit can help us to shed light and understanding on deeper matters.   Funnily enough we have been led to focus on energy next term - energy an unseen force with palpable outcomes.  

Folder for Assessment Results

Holy Spirit
The purpose of this evidence of learning is to give children a chance to explore and show
their understanding of the Holy Spirit.  The questions are open and can be answered in
any form appropriate to the child – draw, write, verbal. The extended abstract parts
require more complex thinking and a bigger worldview and the younger children will not
be expected to show this.  The relational part should be accessible to all children.
When you are asking them to record/show their understanding explain the purpose –
that we want them to show us what they know and think - they have to take the time to
fully explain and we’re looking for them to make connections with their own lives and in
our school (relational) and with the Church and the world beyond our school (extended
abstract).  It would pay to keep adding to this evidence of learning as you go through
the strand teaching.
For marking:
0 = presturctural, 1= unistructural, 2= multistructural, 3= relational,
4= extended abstract.  We can’t be too prescriptive about the answers we want –
we’re looking for indications.

  1. The Holy Spirit in action What do you know about how the Holy Spirit acts
in people or in the Church?  
Show/explain how it relates to your life.  Show in any way.
Multistructural answers – Refer to Fruits of the Spirit, or Gifts of the Spirit (don’t
have to be able to name them all); the Holy Spirit helps our conscience and gives us the
strength and courage to do the right thing; the Holy Spirit guides and inspires the
Church; and the Bible – just stated with no explanation.  E.g. the Holy Spirit gives you
courage, the disciples could speak different languages.
Relational – some of the above plus able to connect with real life. May mention Baptism,
Confirmation, conscience (with example).  E.g. The Holy Spirit gives you courage like
when I prayed before my speech exam and then I felt calm and strong.
Extended Abstract – connect with world eg. Holy Spirit’s action in Church, or amongst
groups of people, or a sense of mystery conveyed – perhaps through poetic language. 
Further reflection apparent. E.g.The Holy Spirit keeps the Church alive and inspires the
Church to understand God’s message (in child words).

  1. Can you tell a Bible story about the Holy Spirit?
What does this story tell us for our own lives?  - write/draw
Multistructural: able to give parts of the story (not just name it) e.g. Baptism of Jesus
/ Pentecost 
Relational: Could be connection with Baptism or Confirmation or just knowing the Holy
Spirit can come into our lives in different ways and have an example.
Extended abstract: Connection with bigger picture – e.g. connecting the Pentecost event
with the idea of the Holy Spirit guiding the Church today.

  1. What is the Trinity?  Explain what you understand about the Trinity
Multistructural: Can name all three persons in the Trinity
Relational: Some connection with prayer – how we use the Trinity structure in our
prayers – e.g. Sign of the Cross, Glory Be.  Or personal explanation about an aspect of
the Trinity.
Extended Abstract: Some explanation / acknowledgement of the mystery of the Trinity.  Saying that it doesn’t make sense counts.

  1. What are some images of the Holy Spirit?  What do they mean to you?
What do you think of the images?

Multistructural – can give more than one image – e.g. dove, wind, the wind under the
wings of a dove, fire, eagle, breath, etc.

Relational – an explanation/indication of how an image inspires them or has inspired
them in any way, according to their developmental level.

Extended Abstract – an understanding indicated that these images are only images and
not what the Holy Spirit actually is.  Perhaps some explanation of why we use images.

Holy Spirit – KEY CONCEPTS – from the Strand documents

Year 1 – God the Holy Spirit
1.     The Holy Spirit is God
2.     The Holy Spirit can be seen in people’s words and actions.
3.     Wind and water remind us of the Holy Spirit
4.     The Holy Spirit, God the Father and Jesus are all One God
5.     The Holy Spirit works in people’s lives.
Year 5 – Titles and Symbols of the Holy Spirit
1.     Two titles of the Holy Spirit in John’s Gospel.
2.     The Symbols of the Holy Spirit – fire, wind and water.
3.     The Holy Spirit is symbolised as anointing with oil, a dove, the finger of God and a cloud
4.     The Holy Spirit is the bearer of Holiness and grace.
5.     The  Holy Spirit shares the tapu and mana of God with people.
Baptism, grace, sin
Year 2 – The Holy Spirit in people’s lives
1.     Believing in God affects how you live
2.     Ways people show they believe in God
3.     Children can respond to the Holy spirit in different ways.
4.     Praying is responding to the Holy Spirit
5.     The Holy Spirit brings the presence of Jesus into the Eucharist.
Year 6 – Baptism and the Holy Spirit
1.     In baptism people receive the Holy Spirit
2.     What is original sin? Personal sin? Grace?
3.     In baptism Christ frees people from personal sin and from original sin so harmony and peace can be restored and sin can be forgiven.
4.     What does it mean to be made a child of God through baptism.
5.     The in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit helps people believe in Jesus and grow more like him.
Fruits of the Spirit and Scripture
Year 3 – The Fruits of the Holy Spirit
1.     The Holy Spirit is part of the Holy Trinity of God.
2.     The loving actions of people are the Fruits of the Spirit.
3.     The Fruits of the Spirit in people’s lives
4.     The Fruits of the Spirit show God’s love.
5.     Sin is against the life of the Holy Spirit.
Year 7 – The Holy Spirit in Scripture
1.     The Spirit of God in the Old Testament.
2.     The Spirit of God guided and inspired people in the Old Testament.
3.     Jesus’ life was filled with the Holy Spirit,
4.     The effects of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the apostles and the early Christians.
The Holy Spirit and the Church
Year 4 – Pentecost
1.     Pentecost is an important event recorded in Scripture
2.     The Holy Spirit makes the Trinity known.
3.     Jesus made a promise to his disciples.
4.     Jesus keeps his promise today by being present in the Church.
5.     The Holy Spirit helps people to live like Jesus and know God.
Year 8 – The mission of the Holy Spirit in the Church and in the World
1.     The Holy Spirit opens people’s minds to the meaning of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection
2.     The Holy Spirit enables people to experience Jesus in the Sacraments.
3.     The Holy Spirit prepares peoples, cultures and religions for the Gospel.
4.     The Holy Spirit guides, sustains and renews the Church.
5.     The Holy Spirit works in the world through people leading them to live with justice, peace and love.

Our Test for the Holy Spirit
Use written test for years 4+ but accept verbal answers
OTJ for years 1-3 based on class activities and discussions

Holy Spirit Test
Marking Guide Unistructural = 1 point, multistrutural = 2 points, relational = 3 points, extended abstract = 4 points

1. The Holy Spirit in action.
What do you know about how the Holy Spirit acts in people or in the Church?  
Show/explain how it relates to your life.  Draw or write.

2. Can you tell a Bible story about the Holy Spirit?
What does this story tell us for our own lives?  - write/draw

3. What is the Trinity?  
Explain what you understand about the Trinity

4. What are some images of the Holy Spirit?  

What do they mean to you? What do you think of the images?

SOLO for Holy Spirit

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