God Strand-Te Atua - Io Matua Kore


These are derived from investigation of the theological focus, the strand progressions over 8 years and what we believe are the key ideas our year 8 leavers will need to know and understand by the time they leave St Joseph's.  Our selection of the key ideas is guided by our understanding of the Nicene Creed, the founding belief statement of the Catholic faith dating back to the Council of Nicea in AD325; Biblical teaching; Church tradition; and the Catechism of the Catholic church which the original RE curriculum documents are based on.  Our key ideas grew out of recommendations from our Special Character review in 2012 and have been well received in subsequent, 2015 and 2018 reviews.

The key ideas are a way of structuring the teaching to ensure that we are gradually creating a coherent framework of understanding for each child.  It takes nothing from the content of each strand but it requires more from the teacher than just teaching the strand at their level and following the guide.  This is in the spirit of the REBD which promotes a fuller understanding for children who "come as they are" and have the opportunity to encounter Christ in our schools.

Key Ideas
God created the world
How can we know about God? - God is revealed through Jesus
God is all powerful and remains a mystery
God loves us individually (he has made a Covenant with us)

Please copy and highlight the areas you are teaching in 2019 and add as the front page to your plan
Some key ideas may not be directly taught - you can ensure coverage through scripture stories (through prayer sessions), reference to Sunday Gospels, or by including some of the "overall" in your discussions. 

Evidencing Learning

To help with moderation and to keep our expectations consistent across the school we are evidencing against the same key ideas.  
Older children can have this sent through Hapara.
It is not a test, and children can have whatever references they need.  Younger children may draw and label.  
It would be a good idea to complete sections as reflections as you go.
Then it can all be referred to at the end to bring it together.
This is the outline for the evidencing: God the Father Evidence


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