Parts of the Mass

Unpacking the Mass Term 3

Unpacking the Mass Outline Term 3

What happens in the liturgy of the Eucharist
Why is the liturgy of the Eucharist important        


Overall,- the Liturgy of the Eucharist structure

Join in
Bring Gifts
Teachers in class - explain the overall structure.
The Liturgy of the Eucharist is about giving thanks and joining in

Discuss before and after Thursday Masses these parts of the Mass and share children’s ‘noticing’ ‘reflecting’ and ‘joining in’

Use slides link to talk through and identify parts (from Slide 30)

Join in the Eucharistic Prayer of thanksgiving

Participation - owning our sharing our faith

Teachers in class - explain:
     the word ‘eucharist’ is a Greek word meaning Thanksgiving

Teachers - discuss: that, -
      As the Priest leads us in this prayer, we thank God for many things.
Look at the prayer in class.
Older children could classify/analyse the different things the Priest gives thanks for.
Children could write their own community Thanksgiving prayer. What can we thank God for in our daily lives?

What are some of the wonders of creation for which we can thank God?

     Mostly we as community give thanks for the death and resurrection of Jesus’ 
This is the Mystery of Our Faith.

Bring Gifts
 The Offertory - Presentation of the Gifts
Teachers in class discuss, Explain and explore:
     We bring one large bread and wine to the table as offerings
     One bread reminds us, we are one body
     Bread and wine are made from the gifts of God’s creation
     They are the work of Human hands and come from everyday life
     They are to  become the Body and Blood of Christ
     Sometimes gifts for those who are in need are also bought forward.  They might be tinned or packet food, clothing, gift boxes etc..
     Those gifts will be distributed later
How is bringing gifts for those in need another way of responding to God’s prayer?

P:  The Lord be with you.
All: And with your spirit.

P:  Lift up your hearts.
All: We lift them up to the Lord.

P:  Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
All:  It is right and just.
Holy, Holy Holy Lord God of Hosts
Heaven and Earth are full of your Glory
Hosanna in the highest
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord
Hosanna in the Highest
Teachers in class discuss, explain and explore:
     We enter the dialogue left before we begin the Eucharistic prayer
     The Priest invites us go give thanks
     We respond that it is right and just because of all the wonders God has done for us.
     We then sing the Holy Holy which is called and acclamation.  An acclamation is a kind of a communal Shout.  NB: We say this in the children’s Eucharistic prayer This is the 1st acclamation
     There are 2 more acclamations in the Eucharitic prayer

Proclaim  the Mystery of our Faith and give thanks

 We proclaim your death, O Lord.   for by your cross and resurrection you have set us free

Teachers discuss and explain in class:
     We are invited to sing this central mystery of faith. It is called the Memorial Acclamation.  We sing it at Parish Masses.
     This is the second Acclamation in theEucharistic Prayer
     NB: the children’s Eucharistic prayer does not have these acclamations as  separate prayers. Please follow this link to a Parish Mass and go to Slide no 44 for the Memorial acclamation.

Stand and sing a loud AMEN

Yes Lord I believe!
Teachers discuss and explain in class.
     The third acclamation in the Eucharistic Prayer is called the Great AMEN.
     We sing the Amen as Father Wayne holds up before us both the chalice, and the paten that holds the host.
     Our Amen is a way of saying “Yes’ with our lips and our heart to all that God has done for us and will continue to do.

The Communion Rite


Our Father who art in heaven;
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth,
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
Snd forgive us our trespassess,
As we forgive those who trespass against us,
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil

We stand as one body

Let us offer each other the Sign of Peace
Peace Be with you

We reach out to share a sign of Christ’s peace
Teachers discuss and explain in class.
     The Lord’s Prayer is the great prayer of all the baptised.  It is the Prayer that Jesus gave us (Luke 11: 1-13)
     Before we come forward to share in the holy gifts of communion, we need to make sure that we are at peace with each other and the word.
     The Lord’s Prayer calls for forgiveness.  We promise to forgive others just as God forgives us.
     The prayer also asks that we be given our daily bread.  This brings to mind the Eucharist with which we will be nourished
Junior Children could make & laminate a Lord’s Prayer card for their personal Karakia Kete.

     This part of the Communion Rite is called the Sign of Peace
     The Lord’s Prayer leads naturally into the sharing of a sign of peace.
     We pray that Christ’s peace will fill our lives and the lives of all the disciples of Jesus.
How ready am I to make peace?
Do I find it hard to forgive?
The Fraction Rite
Lamb of God you take away the sins of the world
Have mercy on us
Grant us peace

We break bread and pour wine

Teachers discuss and explain in class.
     This rite is called the Fraction Rite
     The breaking reminds us we are all members of the one body, Jesus Christ
     Just as there is one loaf - one body
     When we share in the broken bread we become one body
     If there is to be Communion under 2 kinds, the wine is poured into chalices.
     We receive Communion from the one bread of life which is Christ
     During the breaking of Bread we pray the Lamb of God.
Explain what you think the meaning of Fraction Rite for this part of the Mass is?
Are there times when I need to remind myself that I am one part of the whole Body of Christ?

The Communion Rite
We have:
Presented our gifts, Lifted up our hearts to give thanks and praise, Remembered that Jesus died for us and was raised up, prayed that Christ’s peace will fill our lives, & Broken the Bread
The Body of Christ
The Blood of Christ

We come joyfully in procession from the body of the church to receive the Body and Blood of Christ. It’s the pinnacle of the Mass. We are celebrating at God’s table!

Teachers discuss and explain in class.
     Now we come forward to receive the broken bread
     It’s like receiving back the gifts we offered in the first place.  But now they are TRANSFORMED.
     We come to receive the Bread of Life that is Christ’s Body
     We also receive Communion from the Chalice.  This is another sign that we are part of Christ.

     When we say “Amen” we are saying ‘Tes, we are the Body of Christ”. And we want to live as Christ in our homes, schools and our neighbourhoods.
     Sometimes a Special Minister takes Communion to a sick person in a special pix straight after Communion.  They receive a special blessing.
Where do I need to live more as Christ’s Body in my Life?

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