God Staff Meeting - Term 3, 2015
Meeting date: Wednesday 19 August, 3.15, in Ruma Koru
Purpose: 1. To review and interpret previous assessments.
2. To reconnect with the theology and curriculum progression behind the God strand, and
3. To revise the key ideas we want children to understand and deepen as they move through the school.
Any files containing student information are private to us. Everything else is public.
Our first step is to review our assessment information from 2014 and see who our targeted learners are. How is this reflected in our teaching?
1. Review from 2014 the "end point" for our school leaver of what we would like them to know about God
Step 1: Have a look at the key learning objectives for each year level: https://docs.google.com/a/stjoseph.school.nz/file/d/0B5kVPCsXjRbYMTN6SFFxa2lTS0E/edit
Step 2: Have a look at the SOLO assessment rubric https://docs.google.com/a/stjoseph.school.nz/file/d/0B5kVPCsXjRbYTVZZaXVzd1gwVUE/edit
Assessment to be added here