Monday, 12 October 2015

God Strand Assessment Results

God Assessment

As I have stated previously in 2014 we decided as a staff on four concepts that we would like our children to gain through our God strand teaching.
Main Concepts: 
1. God loves us
2. We know about God through the Bible, through His Creation and through our personal relationship through prayer. 
3. What God is like- Father, Creator, everywhere, all powerful etc. 
4. God is the creator
We wanted the children to be confident in answering these four questions
1. God loves people. How has God shown us his love?
2. How can we know about God?
3. What do we know about what God is like?
4. What do you know about God and creation? 

Self-Assessment Rubric using SOLO Taxonomy
Describing God
Extended Abstract
I don’t know anything about God
I can tell one thing about God
I can describe a few things about God
I can give more explanation of how these descriptions are like God.
My description helps me to think about God in a new way.
These four concepts will be the context of the God strand teaching throughout the whole school. We do continue to teach the learning outcomes for the Religious Education curriculum at each year level in context of these four concepts.

Key Concepts For God Strand
Key Concepts For God Strand
Year 1:
God is the creator of all that is and keeps it in being
Each person is God’s unique creation made in love for love
We praise God for all the good gifts of creation, both seen and unseen
Year 5:
Scripture stories of God’s call to people and their responses
The meaning of covenant and God’s faithfulness
God calls people to be reconciled in relationships
The call to believe in God and build up Te Rangatiratanga – the Reign of God on earth
Year 2:
God’s gifts to people are a sign of God’s love
God’s greatest gift is Jesus who showed us God is a loving and forgiving Father
People are called to appreciate God’s gifts and be grateful for them
Year 6:
Images of God reveal something of what God is like
Christians come to know God through Jesus and respond in worship and action
Catholic beliefs within the Creed
Year 3:
God is everywhere in the world through creation
God works through people who accept God’s gift of grace
God speaks to people through the Scriptures
God works in the world through every culture
Year 7:
People are created to grow through grace to become like Jesus and turn away from sin
Using talents for the work of the Church and the Reign of Tika, Rangimarie and Aroha on earth
God’s desire for humanity
Although affected by sin, all creation is redeemed by God and has been given its own tapu and mana
Year 4:
God is the mystery of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Giving respect to the gift of God’s creation because it is tapu
God’s love expressed through the ten commandments
Year 8:
God is mystery – personal and distant (immanent and transcendent)
God revealed as a Trinity of three persons – creating, redeeming and sanctifying

Here is a link to the test with possible answers the children can give
God strand test with Possible AnswersWe agreed:
 This will be entered on the assessment gathering file and the children will be marked out of 4  for concept 1. (1= uni-structural, 2=multi-structural, 3=relational, 4=extended abstract) Teachers new to our school are supported by a tagged teacher and Overall Teacher Judgments (OTJs) are formed in Hubs (Team Teaching Groups).

 We would expect achievement to be shown mainly in the context of their year strand. For children to show mastery it should be clear that their understanding of their year level work is linked to some of the main concepts we want them to understand (above).

These are our second comparative results for the God strand. As we are tracking over three years we are tracking the year 1-6 cohorts of 2014.

Our results at this stage it shows that all groups have exceeded their two year projection in most concepts.
We also look together as a staff at the children who need to be targeted following our assessment of the strand. These children are looked at by the whole staff at the beginning of strand meetings so we are aware of the children who have gaps and can support them in their learning.
Targeted children following God Strand Assessment 2014, 2015
Have a look at the results for your individual classes and children by looking at the following links below:
Three year comparison- tracking the 2014 children
2014 RE Overall Assessment

RE Assessment Overall 2015