Sunday 22 May 2016

Church Strand Meeting

Staff Meeting to begin the CHURCH STRAND Term 2, 2016

This staff meeting is 1 hour long and is worth 1 credit point in Special Character 1

You Tube:
o Scripture page for each person ("Cultural Connection")
Theological Focus page for each person Y-Chart (A3 size) Word cut-out page, and cut 12 rectangles as indicated The copy of the passage from Amoris Laetitia for each person (with the concluding prayer at bottom) > Set up:
o a prayer focus with appropriate symbols

Prayer to begin
o Begin with the Sign of the Cross in Maori
o Leader: Today we will reflect on the Church and what it means to "be" Church. Pope Francis' recent apostolic exhortation about Love in the Family, Amoris Laetitia, begins by saying that the joy of love experienced by families is also the joy of the Church. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to guide our thoughts during this staff meeting, that we may recognise life and love in one another, the life of the Risen Christ that permeates the Church throughout the world.
o Invite all to read silently the reflection at the top of "Cultural Connection" - Here Comes Everybody, then one person Read aloud Acts 11:1-18 (Peter's Report to the Church at Jerusalem)
o Leader : Let us reflect silently for a few moments – if our Church
is truly "catholic" (universal), what is my role in it?
o Allow for silent reflection then invite teachers to "share with
someone else what being a member of the Church means to you".
o Let us now bless one another with holy water or oil (symbols of
Baptism by which we become "Church"). Teachers come forward to the prayer focus in twos, bless each other on the forehead, then return to their seats. If it is a large group, some quiet background music is recommended.

Together, watch this video about Pope Francis' apostolic exhortation, Amoris Laetitia (April 2016): (4 mins) For a couple of minutes, discuss what the main points of the video are.
Thinking of the Church going forward, what do you think it could look like, sound like and feel like, in the light of the Pope's exhortation?

Record responses (decoratively if possible) on Y chart (A3 size, attached. 5 minutes).
Break into three groups. Each group reads two sections of the Theological Focus for the Church Strand. Discuss and clarify any words or phrases that are not understood. (10 mins)
Each group suggest four key words from their part of the Theological Focus that relate to what Pope Francis is saying in Amoris Lefifia? Share them with the staff, write them on paper/card and use them to frame the Y chart, as a visual reminder for your staff room during the Church Strand. (5 mins)
Read together the passage from Amoris Laetitia (Ch 2, para 31.) Consider the families of your school community. Without identifying particular people, discuss "current problems and challenges" facing families. How is your school called to be "Church"? (10 mins)
Together, watch this second video about Pope Francis' apostolic
exhortafion, Amoris Laetitia (April 2016)
Say the concluding prayer together (see attached sheet).
Closing Prayer
E te Atua, our God, who gathers people together in love and friendship, We are your Church, Your Holy People, tõu Iwi Tapu.
We are you Church, the Body of your Son, Jesus Christ,
te Tinana o tāuTamaiti o Hehu Karaiti,
We are your Church - your community of disciples, te whanau o āu ākonga.
We are your Church - your pilgrim people, tõu iwi noho manene i fēnei ao.
We belong to you - nāu mātou katoa.
Make us one in you, tūhonoa mātou ki a koe.
Increase your holiness in us, kia nui tõu tapu i roto i a mātou.
Lead us as we seek the truth, te pono,
So that all people can come to know you
And give you honour and glory, te hönore me te koröria. Amen - Amene.


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